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lessons in training

Twine rapped vines left neglected for two season

The mistake of tying cordons to tight and or not replacing them each year leads to the suffocating of nutrients and eventually kills the cordon completely.

The strain on the cordon from constricting twine has caused the flow of nutrients to be slowed down and has resulted in the loss of whole cordons. On almost every vine there has been at least a few cordons dead because of tying the training twine to tight.

An important practice I learned through retraining these neglected vines is that using plastic twist ties is the better choice for training vines: The twist ties don't need to be knotted which allows for more flexibility/plasticity for when the vine width grows. The girdling effect has a high percentage of cordon and shoot growth failure, which leads to poor fruit yields. When tying even twist ties you must also attempt to leave room for future growth. The last thing is that each year you must go back and untie to retrain the cordons.

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